Saturday, November 19, 2011

Emulating Woody

     Daddy has been in the hospital, and running back and forth from home to the hospital with all three children has been a challenge.  Today, however, my unconventional child gave us a moment of comic relief.  I was hustling all of the children out of the car and saying the normal things that accompany this inevitable transition: "Put your coat back on." , " Why must you always take off your socks and shoes?" , "I know you are stuck, unbuckle your seat belt and then you will be unstuck!",  "Please hurry, it is freezing out here."  and on and on.  Perhaps it is only me who gets to say such things over and over. 
      We all had made it out of the car, avoided running in to passing traffic, and we all walking moderately close together.  My middle child however was walking even more funny than normal.  If you have ever seen the way my son can walk backwards, sideways, and in circles while doing a sort of galloping hop motion, you would know what I am talking about.  
     When we made it inside, I turned to him and said " You are going to have to do a better job focusing on walking with mommy, and looking where you are going. He is forever running in to walls, trees, cars, siblings, and more.  Solemnly he nods, and then asks "Can I fix my boots first?"  I agree and can not help but notice how we have garnered the attention of the nurses as well as all of the families in the lobby.  So, he sits down, takes off his boots, and proceeds to dump several hot wheel cars out of his boots.  At this point, those observing can no longer contain their amusement and laughter fills the room. 
     His explanation was quite rational.  He wanted to have some new toys to play with in daddy's hospital room.  Good idea!  Unconventional methodology. :)  Once again " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."