Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Simon says " What are you doing?"

    Today we were playing Simon Says, and once again my hilarious son was showing his out of the box thinking. 
   When I said " Simon says touch your toes"  my older daughter and toddler son instantly touched their toes.  By the way, it is so cute watching a 16 month old play Simon Says.   My creative thinker however ran for his bat, reached over, picked it up , and then used it to touch his toes! 
   When I said " Simon says reach your arms as high as you can"  he took me literally.  While the other two were reaching their hands into the sky, he ran over, picked up his step stool, jumped on top of it and then started reaching.
    I am not sure if I should be impressed or bewildered. 
    Today he also decided to be Mr. Fix It.  Now I encourage and praise chores and any form of helping, but when he decides to "fix" things I am always more than a little anxious.  He helped me fix a wobbly chair with his power drill, and that went relatively well. 

                    Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. Ecc.9:10                                        
     Buoyed by his success and my praise, he wandered off to another room.  When I heard him yelling
" Mom, look what I did.  I helped you!"  I went running. 
     Somehow this child had managed with a narrow ended little race car, and a plastic hammer, to take off a large section of our decorative wood trim.  YIKES! 
    If nothing else, he is creative, resourceful, and determined.  At least that is what I keep saying to myself. :)  He makes me laugh and cry at the same time.  What a child!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Loving that hair

     My son is in the " I can do it by myself" phase.  This goes for everything!  There is nothing that he does not want to do, conquer, and be in control of.  While I know that this is good for  his development, it is most definitely not good for trying to get out of the door. 
     On Sunday I was trying to get everybody out of the door and my son wanted to do his own hair.  Grabbing the spray bottle and a brush he raced away to do his hair.  I decided to let him work at it while I got everything else ready. 
     Time was getting short and his hair needed to be done, so I corralled him and poised myself to tame the three different cowlicks and smooth down the mass of insanity that is his hair.  " But I already did it!" was his protest.  He had done something all right. It looked like a lion had moussed his mane and then jumped on the Millennium Force.  YIKES!  Still he persisted in insisting that it looked good. 
     I know I can hear the parenting "experts" saying to choose my battles and to just let it be, but they are not the ones who have to parade their child through church looking like that!  Striking upon a genius idea I took him over to the mirror to see his hair.  Unfortunately at that moment his male genes kicked in.  " Oh yes, I look gooood!"  Good grief! so much for that idea. 

Doesn't he look angelic. :)
      So, I resorted to the thing I probably should have done in the first place.  " Buddy, Mommy is going to do you hair, and that is all there is to it."   He quickly acquiesced and we finally got out of the door.  One of these days, I will have it all figured out.  Of course by then, I will be a Grandma.  :)